Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Only for a moment

I have been really lucky to have this workspace to bounce around my creative ideas. It is full of fabulous light, and to my mind has influenced my work no end.
Unfortunately for me, it is only temporary, and I will have to move on,, once again.
So while the cards have landed well for me, I intend to make the most of it, and produce as much work as I possibly can while here.
And when my circumstances change, I will figure out what to do next. But until then, there is no point worrying about what 'might be', and only concentrate on 'What is'.
"Strike while the iron is hot" "Carpe Diem" are more than just words.They are an attitude,and mindset, which as we know, Attitude is Everyhing!
To enjoy the moment, one must be able to recognize the moment.In most cases, it is no more than a shift of mind to open up a new world of being in the Here and Now, and experiencing everything with an intensity that knows no bounds.
Sure, I will plan for my tomorrows, but they won't come any faster or slower than anyone else's. So for now, I will enjoy what the fortune has provided for me, and when it comes to it's inevitable end, I will be just grateful for having had it at all.
Now to apply that philosophy to the rest of my life..................

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